Devaluing the Family
Defending your parental rights is not equating your children with property!
Lately, I’ve been seeing so-called “influencers” and “educators” promoting a new narrative to combat the momentum of parental rights advocacy groups, like Parents Defending Education, Moms for Liberty, No Left Turn in Education, and others: “The parents’ rights movement is about parents treating their children like property.”
Case in point:
Well I’m here to tell you to beware this type of devaluation of familial bonds; the goal is the erasure of "parents," and the creation of breeders and "communal childrearing." The new code benign, even beneficial-sounding terms: "Whole Child" education, "Transformative SEL," and the "Community School Model."
Think the “community school model” is some wacky conspiracy theory, and it’s far-fetched to suggest the state, and its approved institutions and agencies want to be the center of your children’s daily lives? Well the CDC sure doesn’t think so. Be sure to take the “tour”of what they envision for the children formerly known as YOURS. Also check out the NEA’s description of the “community school.” They are the largest teachers’ union in the nation, with over 3Mil members, and unlike the CDC’s, their “vision” of what your children “deserve” is already being implemented all over the country.
Why is this such a problem that you should be on your guard, ready to push back as hard as you can to preserve your parental rights? Because those rights are not reflective of a perception or standard of your family as "property" as they’d have you believe. On the contrary, it's the truly GOOD, the genuinely virtuous perception of your own responsibility for the children you brought into this world, or took responsibility for, legally, financially, and emotionally that they want to destroy.
Who are "they?" They are anyone subscribing to the collectivist, utopian, neo-marxist identarian, "WOKE" ideas dominating our society, and its institutions today. The specific labels don’t really matter, but the ideas “they” espouse, and try to shame, blame, or guilty you into accepting, do. Whatever label you put on "them," they are the establishment at this point, with almost all the power over how your children are educated, and they’re making it quite clear they aim to sublimate, and then eliminate your parental rights.
They have to for their long-term plans to work. The nuclear family provides a reality check for kids, and competing moral and ethical authority. The nuclear family is geared towards protecting, and validating individualism, personal power, and liberty too. We once instinctively understood this, and would have recoiled, and likely fiercely defended the moral and ethical authority of the family over, for example, the average school teacher. Teachers wouldn’t have dared suggest to our children that they keep secrets from us, tell us their innermost thoughts and desires, and/or freely, and regular share private information about their parents’ private lives and relationships. If they’d tried, and parents found out, they’d likely have lost their jobs, and been banned from teaching for overstepping, and rightly so.
Today these kinds of behaviors have been normalized, even touted as “necessary” to ensure the proper “social emotional learning” of every child. Many educators today put a lot of time and energy into gaslighting parents, and their children (from alarmingly early ages, as young as six in fact) that true "liberation" lies OUTSIDE the family. The liberties these total strangers take make clear they assume all parents are likely, or at least potential abusers and bigots, if not now, then soon, or someday, if and when the child deviates from the parents’ preferred moral, ethical, and social norms. In fact, state policies allowing, and even encouraging schools to keep secrets from parents about their minor children, make clear the education establishment’s new preferred default position is that parents are to be feared, not respected, and certainly not deferred-to.
Add to this the way the National School Board Association, and even Department of Justice, have described parents fighting for their parental rights as “domestic terrorists,” and it becomes clearer there’s a coordinated effort by people in very high places to subvert parental rights. Thankfully, the NSBA and DOJ efforts were met with fierce blowback from parents all over the country, but as the CDC and NEA materials linked above make clear, nothing has fundamentally changed in terms of the plans, policies and practices the education establishment is pushing into our K12 schools.
What’s ironic is that while the would-be usurpers of our parental rights are trying to depict us as dangerous, and selfish for even trying to hold onto those rights, they are engaging in behaviors typical of cults and abusers, both of whom behave possessively, and seek to isolate their targets from family and close friends. They must, because of the reality check both would provide. Cults and abusers also target the vulnerable, and who’s more vulnerable than minor children in the care of people parents not only willingly deliver them to, but whom they tell their children to “listen to,” “obey,” and “respect?”
What parents need to remember is that truly caring people wouldn't teach children to fear or mistrust their parents, or to see them as “oppressors,” “owners,” or threats of any kind. In fact, they would do everything they could to strengthen familial bonds, build trust, and improve open communication between parents and children. The fact that educational institutions, their employees and political patrons are doing the opposite, should raise a red flag with every parent.
So next time you see someone say that "parental rights is just a reflection of parents seeing their kids as property," REJECT that, say "NO," and take note: they are a dangerous, ill-intentioned person you and your family should stay FAR away from.
Perfectly said. 👏🏻